Thursday, October 30, 2008

My Home

This is the neighborhood I live in. I am in Dublin 4 right off of Baggot St. This street is a mile long of famous pubs, a lot of them that have been here since the 18oo's. "The Baggot St. Mile" is the famous pub crawl that goes from the first pub at the bottom of my block to the last one in city center... 21 pubs... a guinness at each one, is sure to send you home early and leave you feeling a little groggy the next morning. My flat is right around the corner from this pub, The Wellington and everyday I walk past all these pubs to get to Trinity which is right in City Center. I have about a 20 minute walk to school, and when its raining, it feels a lot longer, and can be deadly cold! 

1 comment:

Unknown said...

So, how is the Guinness? We never had one your last night in Hoboken!!!